Monday, July 20, 2015

July ESB Meeting Summary

I realized today that I did not write up a summary of the July 16th ESB meeting.  Sorry about that.   It's summer and no one wants to talk about plastic bags, especially me, at this point. 

The ESB meeting started with Member Susie Havemann introducing a motion to ban bags, there were also other points, which included directing county staff to research the issue more, etc.  Of course this was very frustrating for me and members of Save the Bag: Los Alamos.  The ESB voted at the June meeting to recommend that the Council TAKE NO ACTION on this issue.  But here we were, once again, trying for a do-over, as is typical of the progressive movement.

As was mentioned in the June discussion, the members of the ESB realized that the community was not behind this and so they set aside their personal views and did the right thing and voted to stop this issue.  Yes, the right thing, if Jody Benson is reading this.  This is an example of true leadership, which is something that Sierra Club President Mark Jones droned on about in his presentation to the ESB in June.  You might want to take notes on that Mark and Jody.

After a brief discussion the ESB, again, by a vote of 4-2, voted that the Council TAKE NO ACTION on this issue, but rather, develop a public education campaign to reduce plastic bag use.  I am not happy with any more money being spent on this issue, and I think a public education campaign paid for by the County is a misplaced effort, but I can live with it.  I think if this issue is so important to the Sierra Club and League of Women Voters, they need to spend their time and money to educate the public.

So what is next?

The Council will have to take the issue up, one more time.  We ask that you contact them and ask that they accept the ESB's two time recommendation to TAKE NO ACTION on this issue and let it die. 

Los Alamos has more important things do, namely gearing up for the Manhattan Project National Park development.  As an aside, while we've been sniping over plastic bags and chickens, Oakridge has spent over a million dollars to try and land the park headquarters in their town.  Sometimes, there are just no words for the stupidity that seems to run rampant in Los Alamos.  This is one of those times.  (Well, there are words, but this is a PG rated blog, and I gave up swearing a long time ago).

Contact the council at: or use this link HERE, to email them individually.  The Council phone number is,  663-1750,  if you want to call and leave them a message.

Thank you for your continued support.  Let's see this to the finish line!  Please write the Council and get a friend to write in as well.  Make sure to join us on Facebook for more updates!

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